Hungarian, Flour Bag Seal, MT Wheat Ear Triangle 0, Pannonia Steam Flour Mills, Image & Found by James Crombie.
Found on the outskirts of Dunfermline in Fifeshire.
Ear of corn triangles around the number 0 with M T G on the outer sides of the triangle // ??ERONIA curving downward / ..*.. / GOZMALOM / ..*.. / BUDAPEST curving upwards (with the help of other seals)
A Hungarian flour bag seal.
From Paul Cannon:-
"I believe this seal has the following Hungarian inscription:
[G]ŐZMALOM [steam mill]
For an image of the mill in 1866 see Budun Archivum. The seal however must post date the introduction of the triangular quality mark used by the mills below. For Pannonia Steam Mill see no: 7.
Extract 'The bakers are delighted with the action of the following sixteen firms who manufacture Hungarian flour and export it to England, namely
1.Concordia Steam Mill Co., Lim.;
2.Elizabeth Steam Mill Co.;
3.First Budapest Steam Mills Co., Lim. (Erste Ofen-Pester)
4.Gizella Steam Mills;
5.Henry Haggenmacher Steam Flour Mills, Budapest;
6.Louisa Steam Mill Co., Budapest (Hungary);
7.Pannonia Steam Flour Mills;
8.The Pesth Cylinder Flour Mill Co., Lim. (Pestihengermalom-társaság-Pester Walzmühl-Gesellschaft);
9.The Pester Millers and Bakers Steam Flour Mills Co., Lim., Budapest;
10.United Steam Mills of the Hungarian General Credit Bank;
11.”Victoria” Steam Mills, Budapest;
12.Losonczer und Hatvaner Dampfmühlen in Losoncz;
13.The Borsod Miskolcz Steam Flour Mill Co., Lim., in Miskolcz;
14.”István” Steam Mill Co., in Debreczen;
15.The Nagyvárad “Laszlo” Cylinder Flour Mill Co., Lim., in Nagyvárad;
16.The Szatmár Steam Mill Co., in Szatmár
who have reduced the number of their grades of flour and established a fresh standard, and in order to protect their new type flours they have as a body caused a conventional trade mark to be registered. The flour manufactured by the above named firms will consequently henceforth only be sold and supplied in sacks sealed with leads bearing the registered trade mark, which consists of the number of the grade of the flour surrounded by a triangle composed of three wheat ears on the side of which the letters M.T. are to be seen. The other side of the lead-seal is used to stamp the name of the firm who manufactured the flour.' "
The principal industry of Hungary is flour-milling. The number of steam-mills, which in 1867 was about 150, rose to 1723 in 1895 and to 1845 in 1905. Between 3,000,000 and 3,200,000 tons of wheat-flour are produced annually. The principal steam-mills are at Budapest; large steam-mills are also established in many towns, while there are a great number of water-mills and some wind-mills. The products of these mills form the principal article of export of Hungary.
From Historical Text Archive - Austria-Hungary and Poland, A Short History of.