Belgian, Fertilizer Seal, Parsienne
Belgian, Fertilizer Seal, Parsienne, Image & Found by MTC Cocoon Wim.
Found in the Oudenaarde region, East Flanders, Belgium, 20mm, 8.9g. PARISSENNE DU GAZ // ENGRAIS, (SU)LFATE D'AMMONIAQUE around
Engrais is French for fertilizer. The link to gas lighting is not clear.
Seal identified by Wim and also supplied these links, - Compagnie parisienne de gaz, "The Paris Gas Company, also known as the Parisian Gas Lighting and Heating Company, was created in 1855 and liquidated in 1905, the concession granted having been terminated."
L'invention des déchets urbains: France, 1790-1970 - The invention of urban waste: France, 1790-1970.
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