Anchor Seal
Anchor Seal, Image by StuE, Found by PWS
Found near Colchester Area
Image of an anchor on one side.
Possibly a token rather than a seal, see David Powell's article on page 2 of The Leaden Tokens Telegraph, Nov. 2005.
From Ted Fletcher, Lead Token Telegraph, Sept. 05.
"Have a look at the arms of the bakers’ guild above left. Surely a baker eager to proudly announce membership of the guild would have used a wheatsheaf, or even a pair of scales on his token farthings? Just as reasonable to our twenty-first century minds would be the assumption that a
fishmonger ought to favour one of those lovely salmon (or are they herring?) as a token emblem. Why would he/she prefer the crossed keys, which happen to appear in the same segment of the arms as the anchor appears on the bakers’ shield? Here’s why: Medieval Christianity placed St Peter at the very gates of heaven. He was said to hold the keys to the portals through which all who hoped to avoid hell and damnation must pass. And what was his occupation before his rise to sainthood? Why a simple fisherman. That’s why the Fishmongers Guild chose his keys as their emblem. Furthermore, the medieval word for a fishmonger was a peterer (London Underworld slang for a safecracker has a similar origin.)"
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